Page 11 - Merton Business Guide

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Merton’s demographics are changing, providing good
conditions for local economic growth; the borough
is becoming younger, more diverse and over the
last decade we’ve seen population growth of 10%,
predicted to continue at the same rate to 220,000
residents over the next ten years.
futureMerton is the council's regeneration team,
delivering a wide range of projects to promote growth
and development in the borough, The Council is
delivering a multi million capital programme over the
next three years to support regeneration activity across
Merton focusing on town centres and our business
areas. Works include streetscape, public realm and
environmental enhancements, development of council
owned sites, strategic planning for major development
projects, investment in climate change mitigation and
a programme of business support and engagement
in our five town centres.
Colliers Wood
Plans are now underway to turn what’s been voted
London’s ugliest building into a stunning focal point
and centrepiece at the heart of a new town centre
taking shape in Colliers Wood.
Regarded by residents as an eyesore, the Colliers
Wood tower has stood empty for ten years, however,
the building is set for a glass-clad makeover. The
project should be completed by 2015 when the
building will be transformed into 150 apartments
with new commercial premises below – enlivening
the street scene and attracting new jobs to central
Colliers Wood.
Meanwhile the council, TfL and the Mayor of London
are investing £3m into improving the quality of streets
and public spaces in Colliers Wood. This includes the
creation of a new town square by the tower and
Underground station, improving road junctions for
pedestrians and cyclists, new gateway features for
Wandle Park and capitalising on the town’s most
impressive features, the River Wandle and the remains
of Merton Priory. The idea is to put the heart back into
Colliers Wood, with people, not cars, at the centre of it
all; linking up its retail parks and drawing on the area’s
history and connections with the River Wandle and
Merton Abbey Mills.
Rediscover Mitcham is a £6m, three-year programme of
investment to revive Mitcham town centre. It began with
a series of new, award winning housing developments
around the edge of town, creating 700 homes and
attracting a further 1800-2000 people into the local area
and local economy. Attention is now on boosting the
town’s economy. Investment in new market stalls and
attracting a wider range of businesses to Mitcham is
underway to provide a busy hub to attract shoppers.
Special events are being held, from arts and crafts to
food fairs, to establish the sort of stalls that could turn
around the Market’s fortunes. Consultation is also taking
place on opening the pedestrianised town centre to
buses, in an effort to increase footfall, activity and
vibrancy in Mitcham Fair Green.
Funding for the project includes £700,000 from the
Mayor of London for art, events and business support.
Work is happening to create five gateway artworks at
key entrance points. These include landscaping
around the pond and a new boardwalk to allow
access to the waterside. Work on Fair Green is also
improving this open space at the heart of the town and
the team are considering the creation of an innovative
market canopy structure.
futureMerton > Regeneration Plans