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MJ Best Achieving Council
Merton Council has recently been named Best
Achieving Council at the MJ Achievement Awards
2013, a top local government industry accolade.
The annual event recognised the top performing
councils in the country with Merton winning the
main award, Best Achieving Council. This category
recognises not just one area of council business,
but the achievements of the authority right across
the organisation.
The organisers praised the council for consistently
delivering for its residents across all service areas,
its excellent services and value for money as well
as being one of the lowest spenders in London but
often being in the top quartile for performance. Other
qualities of winners of this award include having a
clear vision, strong forward planning and evidence
of delivering successful services.
As well as being awarded Best Achieving Council,
Merton’s legal team was also shortlisted in the Best
Legal Services category.